Deaf Ministries

Deaf Ministry Team

Our purpose is to reach out to the Deaf and Hard of Hearing communities to show the Gospel of Jesus Christ through our hands, our hearts and our lives. We love interpreting sermons, Sunday school classes and other church activities to ensure the deaf and hard of hearing can understand, participate and enjoy all LifeHouse Fellowship activities.  We strive to unite all people in the Body of Christ.

Upcoming Events:

May 13 @ 6:00, Silent Dinner @ Oprymills

June 26th, Worship sign workshop @ Faith Promise church in Knoxville, TN

July 8 @ 6:30pm, Silent Dinner @ Rivergate

August 27, Silent Dinner Theater @ LifeHouse Fellowship Church

Volunteer Schedule:

Deaf Ministry Volunteer Schedule:  Mar-May

Feel free to contact the Deaf Ministry Team